Issue SEPA and FPS bank accounts to your customers.
We offer IBANs connected to multiple accounts in 9 different currencies, each with its own unique IBAN and linked to a physical master current account. We also provide primary accounts that can hold USD, EUR, GBP and six other top global currencies, as well as sub accounts available in 22 currencies. All money transfers and FX operations are managed from a single web interface, giving you full control.
Plus, being digital fanatics, it only makes sense that we offer virtual IBANs. These work just like your typical IBAN, but when payments are made, the funds are appointed immediately into the company’s physical account.
Virtual IBANS- multiple accounts, each with its own unique IBAN and each linked to the physical master current account. Virtual business IBANs function exactly like real IBANs but when payments are made into the virtual IBAN funds are routed immediately to the company’s linked physical bank account which has its own “real” IBAN.
Primary accounts can hold USD, EUR, GBP. Sub accounts available in 22 currencies.
With international transactions, unreliable service from banks causes delays in payment reception and creates challenges for account reconciliation. We let you open accounts in 20+ currencies, with your own IBAN. All money transfers and FX operations are managed effectively, giving you full control of FX operations.
Sample endpoint of our API
Post /person
Post /person/:person_id/identifications