Send and receive top cryptocurrencies at interbank rates.
Effortlessly send and receive multiple currencies right from your app.
Over 50 countries available, with more being added regularly.
All AML/KYC completed in-app.
Fully compliant via a regulated FCA approved entity.
Close to interbank rates, with instant settlements.
We also have corporate accounts available for large, global FX transfers on a one-off or regular basis for corporate expenditures and paying/receiving funds from your suppliers and customers.
Easy to integrate into any mobile app or as a stand alone, white label branded product.
Secure transactions via our blockchain-based platform “back end”.
Some of the best FX rates - close to interbank rates.
Instantly send crypto and fiat currencies to anyone in your contact list.
For corporate accounts, you’ll have instant access to a dashboard where you can initiate and receive FX in over 20 top pairs in a fast, secure and efficient way.
Sample endpoint of our API
Post /person
Post /person/:person_id/identifications